Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Mattel releases pic of upcoming Amanda Waller figure for Justice League Unlimited
Amanda Waller appears in the animated television show Justice League Unlimited, voiced by Emmy-nominated actress CCH Pounder.
This version of the character leads the top secret Project Cadmus, a group that was formed at the behest of the United States government to create a counterforce to the Justice League should they go rogue. To that end, the project creates the Ultimen. Perhaps the most profound relationship she has is one of mutual enmity and respect with Batman. She knows about his secret identity of Bruce Wayne which she revealed when she called Batman "rich boy" in the episode "Ultimatum," just as he was able to gather intel on her past. She however has chosen to keep his secret. This was also shown in the episode "The Doomsday Sanction" in which Amanda is clearly shaken after talking to Batman, and he has seen her point by the end of the episode. Most interaction between Cadmus and the Justice League is via these two individuals.
As detailed in "Ultimatum," the Ultimen is a team of artificial superhumans with implanted memories, created to be loyal to the government. In addition, the project includes a clone of Supergirl named Galatea (effectively a disguised version of Power Girl), revealed in "Fearful Symmetry."
When The Question discovers the project and is captured, Waller and Lex Luthor give orders to Dr. Moon to run a full interrogation on The Question which is interrupted when he is rescued by Superman and the Huntress. Lex Luthor takes advantage of the incident to momentarily hijack the League's satellite headquarters' binary fusion cannon to fire on the now abandoned Cadmus base with massive collateral damage to falsely implicate the League. While the government investigates the firing, Waller decides to take action. It is revealed that Cadmus created dozens of clone copies of the Ultimen team in order to attack the Watchtower; with Galatea leading them, they mount a full offensive against League HQ, intending to overload the reactor and destroy the Watchtower with the team on it. However, when Batman presents evidence of Luthor's deception, Waller calls off the attack and releases the senior Leaguers, who had turned themselves in as an act of good faith. With the Leaguers in tow, she personally goes to arrest Luthor and stops his attempt to transfer his consciousness into a potentially invincible copy of Amazo. It is revealed that Brainiac implanted a nano-holistic copy of himself within Luthor's body years earlier, during the Superman: The Animated Series episode "Ghost in the Machine", and the Justice League is forced to defeat the two of them combined. Unknown to them during this battle, Waller had ordered a massive airstrike on standby to kill the combined villains, the Leaguers, and even herself should the heroes had failed to stop the menace. All this occurred in the four-part arc in the second season, including the episodes "Question Authority", "Flashpoint", "Panic in the Sky", and "Divided We Fall".
The final episode of JLU's second season, "Epilogue", is set sixty-five years past the current Justice League timeline — years after even the events of the Batman Beyond series, as we see Bruce Wayne further deteriorated and Terry McGinnis an adult. Here, McGinnis discovers that he is a partial genetic copy of Bruce Wayne; knowing that the Cadmus Project was the only group to have technology advanced enough to alter DNA, he seeks out Waller to find out about his own origins. She reveals some of the future of the Justice League — at some point, the government will appoint a liaison with the League (a post Waller will fill for some time) and they will fight a reconstituted Royal Flush Gang, with Ace, from the Justice League episode "Wild Cards", leading them. Waller also reveals that she was responsible for changing Terry's father's genes; knowing that Batman would never have children of his own, she used Cadmus technology to create a child with his DNA, so the world would not be without a Batman.
"Epilogue" shows the complexity of the character; at the same time she is talking about the world needing a hero like Batman and about her faith in God, she also calmly explains that her plan to ensure Terry became a new Batman was to have Terry's parents murdered by Andrea Beaumont (also known as the Phantasm from the 1993 animated film Batman: Mask of the Phantasm) whilst he watched, murders Beaumont ultimately refused to commit, for it would dishonor all Bruce stood for. From that point on, Waller would never have Terry's parents killed. But when Warren was murdered by Derek Powers, the project was successful. Waller sees that Terry becoming Batman is a sign from God but tells him he can make his own life, not live the same as Bruce's. She advises him to make choices for the people he loves if he wants to or not. Waller admits that many of her actions have been reprehensible, and will have much to account for with God when her time comes, so she is not a self-deluding villain. It is also revealed that she had been keeping an eye on Terry his whole life.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Matty's Facebook rains photos
Check out tons of pictures from DC Universe Classics, DC Infinite Heroes Crisis, DC Infinite Heroes Gotham Knight (from the DVD), Justice League Unlimited, Masters of the Universe Classics and various Mattel print-ads. Click here or at the photo to view.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Dark Knight Movie Masters Wave Three Images straight from Mattel
Thanks to ToyGuru for the images
Batman: Bat-vision: As seen where he activates his eye sensors in the film.
Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart)
The Joker in Bank Robbery Getup
Harvey 'Two-Face'
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Dc Hall of Justice
Monday, December 15, 2008
Ask Mattel Batch of Answers for December 15
- Do you have specific labels for the bucks you use for a majority of the JLU figures? Like Booster Gold/Sinestro's square-ish body, the generic Waverider/Kyle Rayner body, the slim Atom/Dove body, the heavy Dove/Capt Atom body, the Joker body, the Two-Face body and the female buck?
The names you mentioned are pretty much how we do it. We don’t have “official” names, but we tend to call the body we used for Question the “Two-Face” body and the body we used for Gentleman Ghost the “Joker body”. It tends to be that the first figure to use a body buck gets to name it.
2. How does Mattel feel about the various customs that are made for the various lines? Do they get inspired by some of them? Do they even notice?
We think they are just terrific! Matty and Toy Guru spend a lot of time on the boards and when they find really cool customes or ideas they often print them out and hang them up on a shared idea wall for all of the member of the team to see!
3. Are there any plans to do a "fans choice" character poll for the JLU line along the lines of what was done for the DCUC line? Fans always love to have a voice in the character selection.
Because the JLU line is specific to an artistic style (i.e. the art deco look of the animated series) it is a bit harder to do a fan poll. We will take this suggestions through and discuss with our license partners.
4. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel for DCUC and JLU collectors in the Philippines and other Asian markets? Will we be seeing any DCUC series 3 onwards in retail? How about the new JLU Fan Collection?
That is up to your local retailers. We will ship product to anyone who orders it. JLU will be available for international markets in 2009, although in slightly different configurations with more A list characters in the mix. If you are not seeing your favorite Mattel line at your local retailer, ask for it! Only your retailer can place orders, and Mattel will be happy to ship product to anyone who orders it.
5. How do the Four Horseman split up the workload on character creation? Does each one have his specialty (faces, costumes, overall design, etc) or does each one pick a character or two and go at it so to speak?
Although the Four Horsemen do sometimes come up with some rough concept sketches or control drawings, much of the design process happens as the figure and accessories are being sculpted and fabricated.
Eric Treadaway and Chris Dahlberg handle the figural sculpting, while Jim Preziosi and H. Eric "Cornboy" Mayse tackle the fabrication portion of things. Often sculpting and fabrication happen simultaneously so fabricated parts can be incorporated into the sculpture seamlessly or vice versa.
Usually who does what depends on what's next up on the agenda (usually dependent upon deadlines), and who has just finished a project and is ready to move on to the next thing.
Often, if a character is a favorite of one of the Horsemen, or they're really looking forward to helping to create their own vision of a certain character, the other Horsemen will gladly step aside and let them have at it. There's never any real competition over who gets to do what characters or accessories.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
DC Universe Classics Wave Eight - Giganta Series (Hi-Res
Commander Steel, Modern Dr. Fate and Classic Dr. Fate, Gentleman Ghost
Hawkgirl (Shayera Hall), Mr. Terrific, and Vigilante
Parademons (Super Powers and Comic Versions)
Giganta Collect and Connect
Thanks to ToyGuru and Mattel for the images.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
New Movie Masters Figures and OBAMA!
New Movie Masters Figures and OBAMA!
Friday, November 07, 2008
We're back! Mattel Questions And Answers Returns
We're back! DC Hall of Justice is once again on the list for Mattel QnA. With the onslaught of 'DC Universe Classics'-themed QnAs we're here to bring you more info from Mattel regarding Justice League Unlimited just like the good old days. Drop by the thread to send questions and be here by the beginning and middle of each month to see if you'll find more interesting tidbits about your favorite toys from our favorite toy guy ToyGuru.
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DC Hall of Justice
Monday, November 03, 2008
DC Universe Classics Wave Eight - Giganta Series
Matty Collector has released images of the all new figures for Dc Universe Classics Wave 8 sculpted by the Four Horsemen. The line is anchored by Hawkgirl and features a couple of figures reminiscent of Super Powers, the Justice Society of America and other classic DC Flavor. Click on the image above to view the images.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Sinestro QC issue
Just today my blue Sinestro arrived and it came with the 'yellow' shoulder. Actually I was even able to see some yellow paint under the blue on the forearms. Sorry about the bad pic I used a celphone cam.
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DC Hall of Justice
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Updated my SF Site
I updated the POWERS RECORDS Section of my Super Friends Site. I added new stories of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman:
I was bored.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
JLU Checklist Updated yet again!
The new updated list has several new figures added in. However, I chucked the names list and designed it to be purely an image list.
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DC Hall of Justice
Monday, August 25, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Warner Brothers on the future of DC Movies
"These are big, iconic characters," Noveck says. "So when you make them into a movie, you'd better be shooting for a pretty high standard. You're not always going to reach it, but you have to be shooting for it. We're going to make a Justice League movie, whether it's now or 10 years from now. But we're not going to do it and Warners is not going to do it until we know it's right."
Read more about it in Variety here.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Time for JLU freak outage.
Mattel just rained JLU on us and it's heaven!
Thanks to Shayera for the piccage
Click here to see em
We're getting
Devil Ray
Shade (darker)
Lex Luthor (prison suit)
Batman Beyond
Old Bruce Wayne
Sinestro (corps costume)
B'wanna Beast
Crimson Fox
Commander Steel
Psycho Pirate
Dr. Polaris
Lex Luthor (Green)
Gentleman Ghost
Harley Quinn
Scarecrow (newer costume)
Clock King
Bane (Newer costume)
Dr Fate (accurate paint)
Red Tornado (accurate Paint)
Zatanna (accurate paint)
Bizarro (accurate paint)
Plus news of new FOUR PACKS featuring Shazam and the Legion
we may have missed some. gimme a minute to find my jaw
Also check out the DCUC Gallery
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DC Hall of Justice
Thursday, July 24, 2008 Opening on Monday

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DC Hall of Justice
New JLU 6-packs are out.
Found these at target today (click for bigger pics) -
All other DC pegs were empty, and there were a bunch. DCIH, JLU 3 packs, and even DCUC. Don't know specifically what was on the pegs though, could have been new stuff. I'm going to check more targets later today or tomorrow, depending on when I can sneak away.
(posted by Madthinker at the Hall forums)
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DC Hall of Justice
Terry McGinnis Variant?
Saw this on eBay. The seller claims that it is a prototype for a Terry McGuinnis/Batman Beyond DCUC variant. It looks like it could be a detailed Terry. What do you think?
Click here to see the auction
(posted at the CJ by Jesterboy)
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DC Hall of Justice
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
DCUC CHecklist Update July 2008
1. Cleaned up the checklist
2. Added the 3 Wizard previews
3. Added Blue Beetle silhouette
More news at
DC Hall of Justice
Monday, June 16, 2008
Greatest Justice League
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
May's Mattel QNA