Saturday, November 17, 2007

News from Wizard World Chicago 2007!

Per Marcus Mebes, the following was announced today at Wizard World Texas:

1.) Hal Jordan will be THE Green Lantern of the JLA. John Stewart will be moving to the sidelines.

2.) In the Arena series, Blue Beetle(Jamie) vs. the Blue Beetle of Earth C!

3.) Risk will be getting "arms" and his story will be told in a Geoff Johns written title.

4.) Titans(the Winick & Churchill series) is delayed until April due to Churchill suffering a shoulder injury.

5.) Superman Prime will be an ongoing villain in the DCU.

6.) Bart Allen's story isn't finished.

7.) Zatanna will be joining the JLA!!! :) :) :)

8.) Red Arrow will remain on the JLA while in the Titans.

Thank you Marcus for your report!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Teen Titans Go! #48 Review

First time poster all!! Yay! Anyway, Teen Titans Go! #48 has been reviewed! Just follow the link into the Hall and read all about it!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Updated visual checklist for DCSH!- November

Updated visual checklist for DCSH! Now with clearer images and some change-ups.

DCSHUpdatedChecklist-Nov07-1.jpg image by xtophe2

Monday, November 05, 2007

First Batch of Mattel Questions and Answers - November

Christmas came early. Here are our first batch of answers from Mattel:

1.) Like JLU, will DCSCH/DCUC re-release figures like Azrael, Blue skirt Supergirl, etc?

This is something we are looking into and we hope to have announcement to make soon. We are well aware of the demand for harder to find 06 and 07 figures. Right now the main line will consist of all new figures, but this is an excellent option for some exclusive items for select retailers.

2.) It seems that the latest batches of figures have been made using a softer grade of plastic than was previously used. This has resulted in a higher degree of "jelly legs" than before. Are there any plans to correct this or can we expect this to continue?

Mattel constantly works with our vendors to improve quality. We’ll pass these comments along to the design team so they can work on needed improvements.

3.) Any plans for the future "Justice League Unlimited" characters seen in "The Once and Future Thing" and "Epilogue"? I'm particularly interested in the Future Static Shock character.

This is certainly a set of characters that has come up. Until we are ready to make an announcement about JLU Unlimited, you’ll just have to wait and see. No one is off the table and if all plans go through we think fans will be very excited about the 08 line up.

4.) Now that the JLU line is being targeted more toward collectors, will we see character variants that are comic / show accurate? (for example: Savage Time Batman, Future Superman, etc.)

Again, see our previous answer. We are exploring all of these character options and are looking at ways of keeping the Core 7 in the line but making them fresh for fans and collectors. Does this mean more “Yellow suit Batman” no. But it does mean we are exploring other fan requested decos of these characters to do in the JLU style. Until we are ready to make an official announcement you’ll have to wait and see!

5.) Is there any chance of more playsets or vehicles in the JLU line?

At this time the line will center around the 4 ¾ size figures.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Hey I wet to Austin last night......was going to a haunted house and a party with friends.....but of course I managed to swing by toys r us to see what they had....

I saw this and I at first thought someone repackaged it but upon looking at whole thing it does not appear to have been opened I could be wrong but really does not look to have been opened at all..........I bought it because I needed a better painted Blk Canary....but still its strange as the backing and the name cards go to vigilnate/obsidian/brainiac.....

if it was repackaged I think its weird that they would replace BC with the older one and in my opinion the better version



Friday, October 26, 2007

New 3-packs showing up.

4-starmandrfate.jpg picture by xtophe2

Check your Targets or E-bay. Starman and JLORD Hawkgirls are now appearing in case you missed 'em before. Hopefully Mr. Miracle and Fire/Ice packs follow soon.

New 3-packs showe

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mattel Questions and Answers at the Hall of Justice

Toy Guru from Mattel has been gracious enough to do a "Question & Answer" session with the Hall of Justice. Please list your questions here in this thread. The Hall of Justice will be submitting 5 questions per month to him.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Comparison Images: Superman Doomsday Vs JLU

Doomsday Vs Doomsday
Lex and Lex
Group Shot

POSTED BY LUTHOR on this thread (bigger pics)

Friday, August 31, 2007

Site Update: Orion

ms-orioncomparison.jpg image by xtophe2

Wanna know the difference between the two Orion figures in the JLU line? Come check it out in the updated reviews. Includes information on two versions and the 3 packages that contain them.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Batman 2-pack figures rereleased

Ham Salad posts on Action Figure Insider on new releases of Mattel Animated "BATMAN" figures.

I found another round of single-carded TNBA Batman figures at Albertson's (grocery store). They are simply reissues of the two-pack versions, with no new paint decoes. I found the following among the three stores that had them:

Two-Face (from Tech Suit Batman 2-pack)
Catwoman (black outfit from 2-pack)
Battle Scars Batman (from Catwoman 2-pack)
The Joker

The card backs also list Batgirl, Nightwing, Robin and Penguin, so it's possible they are also the 2-pack versions issued individually. It's also possible that these four are it for this release.

I imagine that KB and Big Lots will get these eventually. I found Batman in California, and the rest here in Oregon.

Big Lots, Family Dollar, and KB have had single figures previously, but these four are newly issued. The previous releases are as follows:

Wave 1 (2004~2005)
Batman (silver)
Robin (silver)
Batgirl (silver)
Nightwing (silver)
The Penguin

Wave 2 (2006)
Batman (brownish-orange)
Robin (blue)
The Joker (lavender with playing card suit design)
Two-Face (gray, and prison stripe suit)
Catwoman (reddish-orange with white tiger stripes)

I am posting about this new wave of singles, all of which have been released before in two-packs.

Wave 3 (2007)
Batman (Catwoman 2-pack reissue)
Catwoman (Catwoman 2-pack reissue)
The Joker (Joker 2-pack reissue)
Two Face (Two-Face 2-pack reissue)

Co0mparison pics by Ham Salad

On the left are the original releases while on the right are the new variants from the Original Members 7-pack exclusive.

Batman: new version is blue, instead of the original's gray

Green Lantern: costume is a deeper black, green isn't as bright, and ring is unpainted

Martian Manhunter: greens and blues are lighter shades

The Flash: red is brighter, though its hard to see in this pic

Superman: blue is darker, and flesh tones are darker

Friday, August 24, 2007

Superman Doomsday: More youtube for you

The Wondercon preview

James Marsters on Lex Luthor

IGN Preview


» View Larger Image

Written by Sholly Fisch; Art by Gordon Purcell and Al Nickerson; Cover by Zach Howard

Gorilla City is missing, and the world's greatest sleuth is on the case: Detective Chimp!

Johnny DC | 32pg. | Color | $2.25 US

On Sale November 7, 2007

CLIK 2 JLU's Shayera/The Ray/GL Giveaway!

The prize is a convention exclusive DC Superheroes Series 4 Shayera/The Ray/Green Lantern 3-pack!

The contest starts 08/20/07 and ends on 09/20/07. How do you win? The person who makes the biggest impact on the comic boards during the contest timeframe will win the prize. The winner will NOT be chosen by post-count alone. Please note the following rules:

1.) Only activity on the comic boards counts. This excludes the Who's Who and Marvel Comics boards. The goal of this site is to promote DC Comics which is why activity on the Marvel board won't count.

2.) There are many ways you can impact the comics boards such as posting news, starting threads, replying to threads, etc. Posts less than 20 words will be overlooked to prevent people from trying to get ahead by posting such simple things as "cool", "looks great", or "can't wait to read that".

3.) If you wish to enter, you MUST reply to this thread so that we know to watch your activity on these boards.

4.) Do not post duplicate news articles. If someone else has already posted the info, it's off limits.

5.) The rules are subject to change at any time.

Discuss it here

Thursday, August 23, 2007

New Visual Checklist (new photos)

Click to enlarge

Justice League Unlimited and NEW Dc Superheroes/Universe Classics

dcshchek.jpg image by xtophe2

In answer to some questions by Vancleef9000, Cookie_TXPSY and Temporal Flux re: the new JLU checklist.

Why the ships?
They were in the show.

Why only a couple of the bikes?
Green Arrow had a bike on the show. Batman's always had a batcycle.

Why only some variants?
Only show accurate variants. The Red Hood appeared in the Batman comic, and also is a renamed character, thought he should be there.

why the Flash hover thingy?
A similar machine appeared in the episode 'Ultimatum'

I can understand why we don't see invisible Amazo that came with the original Doomsday pack (he *is* invisible after all ; but where is funky green Amazo that comes with the new, orange Doomsday pack?

Thanks man. The reason the two Amazo's are not in the list is because they're not necessarily show-accurate (also the reason why most of the other variants don't appear such as 'fishnets' canary and 'neon' Hawkman) I DID however put the variants that are either show-accurate or have appeared in the DCAU comics (such as Red Hood). This also goes for the rest of the vehicles. I didn't include the ones that don't show up in the show or ones that are not even known to exist. Flash's Twin Turbo, for example is similar somewhat to Batman's twin turbo seen in Ultimatum.

Also in case anyone's wondering- it's lanterns galore cuz the official JLU checklist did the same except for those who cant hold the lanterns. Included necessary accessories and exluded all 'blasts/powers' Also grouped all the JSAers and partners. Threw away the wave-per-wave concept since I'm beginning to think it doesn't matter anymore with the wave per wave rereleases.

Monday, August 20, 2007

How to get Hawkgirl to stand:

Hoping for some tips or tricks here. I have several Hawkgirl figures, some turned into customs, some just figs. Almost all of them are leaning more and more forward to the point where it's a matter of time before they won't stand.

Has anyone else experienced this? Did you fix your figs? How?

Many people have asked this question, so now we present a solution, at least for those of you who use the 'poker chip and hot glue method"

If you're gonna glue em anyway, grab a straw. Glue one end to the bottom of the hair and the other end to the stand. That way the weight isn't on the legs but on the middle part of the body.


This works perfectly with all Hawkgirl AND Wonder Woman 5poa figures.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Watchtower Patterns redux

As requested this is a repost of the Watchtower patterns.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Walls, doors, and windows

Floor and Lit Ceiling

UPDATE: Use the above patterns and the ones below to create a 3d Infirmary view center as seen in the JLU episode 'The Balance'. YOu can also cut out the windows and replace them with clear plastic (or green clear folder film) to give the look of transparency.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Here are the infirmary floor and glass window. Duplicate as needed.

Here are some panels for the more 'industrial' hallways of the Watchtower. You can also create an octagonal walkway behind a door and a cylindrical elevator.

Click below to view the 'How-to' guide

And click below for the new panels